21 December 2013

The 7 chakras necklace

When I first saw a picture of Damned Halo's beadwork (http://damnedhalo.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/paulas-chakra-necklace.html?m=1), I immediately felt that I have to make one like this.

So this is how my own Chakra Necklace looks like:

Thank you Damned Halo for the wonderful pattern!

18 December 2013

Honeybee on a flower badge

This badge will be a gift for the father of a very kind colleague of mine, hope he will like it as much as I enjoyed making it. His hobby is to run a honeybee garden, so I was being asked to make a beaded honeybee, this is how it ended.

Flower pattern: Holle Randy

24 November 2013

Hand chain

I love wearing this kind of jewellery, mostly in autumn or winter with a long-sleeve top, it looks really exciting!

Pattern: KRIStal Bead

3D Endless Knot

Endless Knot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endless_knot

This pendant was my idea based on the technique of Catherine's Cross. For me this is one of the most beautiful symbols ever. Making it was fun from begining to end, it was exciting to find out whether the picture in my head works in reality or not. It worked :)

Pattern: KRIStal Bead

15 November 2013

Catherine's Cross

This is a gift for a great friend who is going to leave soon, to spend 2 years in South Africa.
Can't wait until you get back home and tell us about your adventures.
Good luck Tom, I wish you a great succes, you are a winner! All the best, let's stay in touch!

Pattern: Heather Collin

11 July 2013

Colorful Swarovski bracelet II.

Another one, I never can choose only one or two colours, I have to use as much as I can! Anyway, it's summer, isn't it? ;)

Pattern: Arduinna, thank you, köszönöm!

01 June 2013

Colourful bracelet with Swarovski crystals

My biggest problem is always to choose what colours the jewellery should contain. And the best choice is always AS MANY AS POSSIBLE! :)

04 May 2013

26 April 2013

Shérazade bracelet

Another oldie but goodie pattern, I had some spare pearls to make this bracelet :)
Pattern: Corrine Cros

24 April 2013

Half - Ootheca Cuff

It is a must-have for all beaders, quite an old pattern, although I always felt I have to make my own bracelet :)
The original, two-sided pattern was created by Rachel Nelson-Smith, but I more like this lighter, one-sided version.

14 April 2013

12 April 2013

Wheel earrings

It took altogether 8 hours to make this pair of earrings, not to count the several times I had to start them again... It was a really good exercise for practicing patience. :)

Earrings are 4.4 cm diameter, inner circle is 2 cm diameter.

Tutorial: Ellad2  (http://ellad2.com), thank you!